Penny van Esterik
Department of
Profile Advocacy CV




1.  Books and Monographs:


Single Authored


2008 Food Culture in Southeast Asia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. (141pp.)


2002 Risks, Rights and Regulation: Communicating about Risks and Infant Feeding. WABA:  Penang (93pp).


2000 Materializing Thailand. Oxford: Berg Press. (274pp.)


1993 Taking Refuge:  Lao Buddhists in North America.  Tempe, Arizona and North York, Ont.:  Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University and York Lanes Press.  148pp.

(Reissued with new introduction, 2003).


1992 Women, Work, and Breastfeeding.  Cornell International Nutrition Monograph 23.  Ithaca, New York:  Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.  96pp. (Mujer, Trabajo Y Lactancia Materna, Spanish translation).


1990 Di Balik Kontroversi Asi-Susu Formula.  Jakarta, Indonesia: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. (Indonesian translation of Beyond the Breast Bottle Controversy.) 205pp.


1989 Beyond the Breast Bottle Controversy.  New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.  (Simultaneously published as Mother Power and Infant Feeding, London, Zed Press.)  242pp.


1984 Intra-Family Food Distribution:  Its Relevance for Maternal and Child Health.  Ithaca, New York:  Cornell Nutrition Surveillance Program.113 pp.  (Republished 1985 in:  Determinants of Young Child Feeding and Their Implications for Nutritional Surveillance, M. C. Latham, ed.,  Cornell International Nutrition Monograph 14. Ithaca, New York:  Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.)


1981 Cognition and Design Production in Ban Chiang Painted Pottery.  Athens, Ohio:  Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Monograph Series, Ohio University Press.  88pp.


Edited Volumes/ Multiple Authors


2015 From Virtue to Vice: Negotiating Anorexia ( Richard O’Connor, first author). New York: Berghahn Press.


2014 Trying the Way: ethnographic glimpses of York University. (with Laurie Baker). Department of Anthropology Monograph Series, No.1, York University.


2013 Food and Culture: A reader, Third Edition. (ed. with Carole Counihan).  New York:  Routledge Press.


2008 Food and Culture: A reader, Second Edition. (ed. with Carole Counihan).  New York:  Routledge Press.


2003 Head, Heart and Hand: Partnerships for Women’s Hearth in Canadian Environments.  2 Volumes, NNEWH, York University.


2001 Cultural Anthropology  .First Canadian Edition. (with B. Miller, J. Van Esterik). Toronto: Pearson Education. (Second Canadian Edition, 2004; Third Canadian Edition 2006)      


1997 Food and Culture:  A Reader  (ed. with Carole Counihan).  New York:  Routledge Press. 


1996 Development and Diaspora:  Gender Implications of the Refugee Experience (ed., with Wenona Giles and Helena Moussa).  Dundas, Ontario:  Artemis Press.


1996 Women of Southeast Asia.  Editor.  Revised Second Edition.  DeKalb, Illinois:  Southeast Asia Monograph Series, Northern Illinois University.  (First published 1982.)


1994 The Transformative Power of Cloth in Southeast Asia (ed., with Lynne Milgram).  Montreal:  Canadian Asian Studies Association.  186pp.


1992 Gender and Development in Southeast Asia (ed. with John Van Esterik).  Montreal:  Canadian Asian Studies Association.  214pp.


1988 Techniques of Healing in Southeast Asia (ed. with C. Laderman).  Social Science and Medicine 17(8):747-877.


Chapters in Books:

2015 “Gender Analysis: Shifting Cultivation and Indigenous People”. (Carol Colfer et al) In Shifting Cultivation and Environmental Change: Indigenous People, Agriculture and Forest Conservation, M. Cairns, ed. London: Routledge.


2015 “Commensal Circles and the Common Pot”. In Commensality: from everyday food to feast, S. Kerner, C. Chou and W. Warmind, eds. .


2015 Foreward:” What Flows through Us: Rethinking Breastfeeding as Product and Process”. In Ethnographies of Breastfeeding, T. Cassidy and A El Tom, eds.London: Bloomsbury.


2014 Infant Feeding.  entry for Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, P. Thompson, D. Kaplan and L. Heldke, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag.  (with Alison Linnecar).


2013 "The Politics of Breastfeeding: An Advocacy Update" in Carole Counihan and Penny Van Esterik (ed). Food and culture: a reader. New York: Routledge.

2010 “Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS: Critical Gaps and Dangerous Intersections.” In Giving Breast Milk, ef R. Shaw and A. Bartlett. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2009.


2010 “Global Politics of the Body”. In Women Worldwide: transnational feminist perspectives on women, J.Lee and S. Shaw, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pp.109-130.


2006 “Texts and Contexts in Canadian Anthropology”, In Historicizing Canadian Anthropology, ed. J. Harrison and R. Regnell. Vancouver: UBC Press


2006 “From Hunger Foods to Heritage Foods: Challenges to Food Localization in Lao PDR”. In R. Wilk, ed Fast Food/Slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System. Lanham, Md.: Altimira Press.


2000 "Nurturing Cycles". In F. Miller, et al The Gender of Genetic Futures: The Canadian Biotechnology Strategy, Women and Health. York University, NNEWH.


1999 "Repositioning Gender, Sexuality and Power in Thai Studies". In Genders and Sexualities in Modern Thailand, P. Jackson and N Cook, eds., Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books. pp 275-289.


1999 "Gender and Sustainable Food Systems: a Feminist Critique". In M. Koc, R. MacRae, L. Mougeot and J. Welsh, eds., For Hunger-Proof Cities: Sustainable Urban Food Systems.    Ottawa: IDRC. pp.157-161.


1999 "Ritual and Performance of Buddhist Identity among Lao Buddhists in North America". In Duncan Ryuken Williams and Christopher Queen, eds.,  American Buddhism. Richmond, Surrey:Curzon Press.


1996 "Food and the Refugee Experience:  Gender and Food in Exile, Asylum, and  Repatriation."  In P. Van Esterik, W. Giles, and  H. Moussa, eds., Development and Diaspora.  Dundas, Ontario:      Artemis Press.  pp.61-74.


1996 "Nurturance and Reciprocity in Thai Studies."  In P. Durrenberger, ed.,  State Power and Culture in Thailand.  New Haven:  Yale University, Southeast Asian Studies Monograph 44.  pp.22-46.


1996 "Breast-Feeding and Work:  The Situation of Midwives and Other    Women Health Care Providers."  In S. Murray, ed., International   Perspectives on Midwifery.  London:  Mosby-Wolfe.  pp.77-88.  (chapter selected as UNICEF's Breastfeeding Paper of the Month,   August, 1996, for distribution to UNICEF offices world-wide.)


1995 "The Politics of Breastfeeding:  Advocacy and Anthropology."  In  P. Stuart-Macadam and K. Dettwyler, eds.,  Breastfeeding:  A Biocultural Perspective.  New York:  Aldine de Gruyter.  pp.145-  166.


1995 "The Politics of Beauty in Thailand."  In C. Ballero Cohen, R. Wilk, and B. Stoelje, eds.  Beauty Queens on the Global Stage.  New York:  Routledge.  pp.203-216.


1995 "Thank You Breasts:  Breastfeeding as a Global Feminist Issue."   In S. Cole and L. Phillips, eds. Ethnographic Feminisms. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. pp.75-91.


1995 "Rewriting Gender and Development Anthropology in Southeast Asia." In Wazir Jahan Karim, ed.,  Male and Female in Developing Southeast Asia.  Oxford:  Berg Publishers.  pp.247-259.


1994 "Gender and Development in Thailand:  Deconstructing Display."  In H. Dagenais and D. Piche, eds.,  Women, Feminism and Development. Montreal:  McGill-Queen's University Press.  pp.264-279.


1994 "Introduction."  In L. Milgram and P. Van Esterik, eds.,  The Transformative Power of Cloth in Southeast Asia.  Montreal: Canadian Asian Studies Association.  pp.1-9.


1994 "Cutting Up Culture:  Colonizing Costume."  In L. Migram and P.   Van Esterik, eds.,  The Transformative Power of Cloth in Southeast Asia.  Montreal:  Canadian Asian Studies Association. pp.39-52.


1994 "The Right to Food and Good Nutrition: An Anthropologist's Perspective".  In E. Linusson, M. Beaudry, and M. Latham, eds.    The Right to Food and Good Nutrition.  Cornell International      Nutrition Monograph 26:31-33.


1992 "Thai Prostitution and the Medical Gaze."  In P. Van Esterik and  J. Van Esterik, eds., Gender and Development in Southeast Asia.   Montreal:  Canadian Asian Studies Association.  pp.133-150.


1991 "Linking Institutions:  The Women in Development Consortium in    Thailand and Canada."  In A. Rao, ed., Women's Studies International:  Nairobi and Beyond.  New York:  Feminist Press.   pp.238-247.


1991"Women in Southeast Asia:  Research Directions."  In Documents du GERAC (Le Groupe detudes et de recherches sur l'asie contemporaine), Que Savons-nous et Que Faisons-nous au Subject de  L'asie du Sud-est au Canada?  Quebec City:  Laval University.


1991 "Lao Refugees:  A Short Bibliography on Recent Research."  In     Documents du GERAC (Le Groupe detudes et de recherches sur l'asie contemporaine), Que Savons-nous et Que Faisons-nous au Subject de L'asie du Sud-est au Canada?  Quebec City:  Laval University.


1991 "Women in Southeast Asia:  A Bibliography on Recent Research."  In Documents du GERAC (Le Groupe detudes et de recherches sur l'asie contemporaine), Que Savons-nous et Que Faisons-nous au Subject de L'asie du Sud-est au Canada?  Quebec City:  Laval University.


1988 "The Insufficient Milk Syndrome:  Biologic Epidemic or Cultural Construction." In P. Whelehan, ed., Women and Health.  Granby, Mass.:  Bergin and Garvey. pp.97-109.


1988 "Introduction" (with V. Laukaran, J. Post, and B. Winikoff).  In B. Winikoff, M. Castle, and V. Laukaran, eds., Feeding Infants in Four Societies.  New York:  Greenwood Press.


1988 "Indochinese Refugees in Toronto."  In L. J. Dorais, K. Chan, and D. Indra, eds.  Ten Years Later:  Indochinese Communities in Canada.  Montreal:  Canadian Asian Studies Association.  pp.117-126.


1988 "The Cultural Context of Infant Feeding."  In B. Winikoff, M. Castle, and V. Laukaran, eds.,  Feeding Infants in Four Societies. New York:  Greenwood Press.  pp.187-202.


1987 "Thailand's Response to the Refugee Crisis."  In  Cultural Survival, Report 22, Southeast Asian Tribal Groups and Ethnic Minorities.  Cambridge, Mass.:  Harvard University.


1986 "Confronting Anthropology Confronting Advocacy."  In R. Paine, ed., Advocacy and Anthropology.  St. John's, Nfld.:  Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER).  pp.59-77.


1985 "The Cultural Context of Breastfeeding in Rural Thailand."  In V. Hull and M. Simpson, eds. Breastfeeding, Child Health, and Child Spacing:  Cross-Cultural Perspectives.  London:  Croom Helm.  pp.139-161.


1985 "An Anthropological Perspective on Infant Feeding in Oceania."  In L. Marshall, ed., Infant Care and Feeding in the South Pacific.  New York:  Gordon and Breach. pp.331-343.


1985 "Imitating Ban Chiang Pottery:  Towards a Cognitive Theory of Replication."  In J. Dougherty, ed., Directions in Cognitive Anthropology.  Urbana, Illinois:  University of Illinois Press.  pp.221-241.


1984 "Women and Food in Southeast Asia:  Recent Research Trends and New Directions."  In B. Miller and J. Hyde, eds.,  Women in Asia and Asian Studies.  Committee on Women in Asian Studies, Monograph No. 1.  Syracuse, New York:  Syracuse University.  pp.71-81.


1982 "Laywomen in Theravada Buddhism."  In P. B. Van Esterik, ed., Women in Southeast Asia.  Southeast Asia Monograph Series.  DeKalb, Illinois:  Northern Illinois University.  pp.55-78.


1982 "Infant Feeding Options for Bangkok Professional Women."  In Michael C. Latham, ed., The Decline of the Breast:  An Examination of Its Impact on Fertility and Health, and Its Relation to Socioeconomic Status.  Cornell International Nutrition Monograph 10.  Ithaca, New York:  Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University. pp.56-79.


1981 "The Infant Formula Controversy in Southeast Asia:  Advocacy Confrontation or Applied Anthropology?"  In G. Hainsworth, ed., Southeast Asia:  Women, Changing Social Structure, and Cultural Continuity.  Ottawa:  University of Ottawa Press.


1980 "Cultural Factors Affecting the Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugees."  In Southeast Asian Exodus:  From Tradition to Resettlement.  Ottawa: Canadian Asian Studies Association.  151-171.


1980 "Royal Style in Village Context:  Towards a Model of Interaction Between Royalty and Commoner."  In C. Wilson, C. Smith, and G. Smith, eds.  Royalty and Commoner:  Essays in Thai Administrative, Economic and Social History.  Contributions to Asian Studies, Vol. XV.  Leiden:  Brill.  pp.102-117.


1978 "Ban Chiang:  Archaeological Past and Entrepreneurial Present."  In Gordon Means, ed., The Past in Southeast Asia's Present.  Ottawa:  Canadian Asian Studies Association.  pp.70-79.


1977 "Lactation, Nutrition and Changing Cultural Values:  Infant Feeding Practices in Rural and Urban Thailand."  In G. Means, ed., Development and Underdevelopment in Southeast Asia.  Ottawa:  Canadian Asian Studies Association.  pp.140-150.


3.  Articles (Refereed Journals):


2011 "Genealogies of Nurture: Of Pots and Professors" The Journal of Burma Studies Vol. 15 No. 1 (2011), pp. 21–42

2010 “Commentaries on Premastication: the second arm of infant and young child feeding for health and survival?, Gretel Pelto, Yuanyuan Zhang, and Jean-Pierre Habicht.” Maternal and Child Nutrition 6(1):19-20.


2010 “Infant Feeding Experiences of Women who were Sexually Abused in Childhood. (with Karen Wood) Canadian Family Physician, Vol. 55, 136-141.


2008 (with Richard O'Connor) "De-medicalizing anorexia: A new cultural brokering" ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY VOL 24 NO 5: 6-9.

2008 Vintage Breastmilk: Exploring the Discusive Limits of Feminine Fluids. Canadian Theatre Review, 137, Winter.:20-23.


2006 Anna and the King: Digesting Difference. Southeast Asian Research 14(2):289-307.


2005 No Free Lunch. Agriculture and Human Values 22: 207-208


2003 Flexible Networking in Research Capacity Training at National University of Laos: Lessons for North  South Collaboration.  (P. Vandergeest, K. Phanvilay, Y. Fujita, J. Fox, P. Hirsch, P. Van Esterik, C. Whitayapak and S. Tyler) Canadian Journal of Development Studies 24(1):119-135. 


2002 "Contemporary Trends in Infant Feeding Research". Annual Review of Anthropology, Volume 31, 257-27.


2002 "Fabricating National Identity: Textiles in Lao PDR". Museum Anthropology 23(1):47-55.


1999 "Right to food; right to feed; right to be fed: the intersection of women's rights and the right to food.”  Agriculture and Human Values 16:225-232.


1997 "Women and Nurture in Industrial Societies". Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Vol.56, No.  1B:335- 343. 


1996 "The Cultural Context of Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding Policy".   Food and Nutrition Bulletin  Vol. 17, No. 4:422-431.


1996 "Chat of Central Thailand."  Southeast Asian Women:  Strategies for Change. Special Issue.  J. Nagata and: J. Salaff, eds.  Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science 24(1):120-130. 


1995 "Care, Caregiving and Caregivers".  Food and Nutrition Bulletin Vol. 16, No.4:378-389.


1994 "Breastfeeding and Feminism.International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics47(Supplement):41-54.


1992 "From Marco Polo to McDonalds:  Thai Cuisine in Transition.Food and Foodways 5(2):177-193.


1991 "Perspectives on Food Systems.Reviews in Anthropology 20:69-78.


1988 "Introduction:   Techniques of Healing in Southeast Asia"  (with C. Laderman).  Social Science and Medicine 27(8):747-750.


1988 "To Strengthen and Refresh:  Herbal Therapy in Southeast Asia.Social Science and Medicine 27(8):751-661.


1986 "Infant Feeding in Urban Kenya:  A Pattern of Early Triple Nipple Feeding" (with M.C. Latham, T.C. Elliot, J. Kekovole, V.H.Laukaran).  Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 32:276-280.


1986 "Infant Feeding Style in Urban Kenya" (with T. Elliot).  Ecology of Food and Nutrition 18(3):183-195.


1986 "Feeding Their Faith:  Recipe Knowledge Among Thai Buddhist Women."  Food and Foodways 1(1):198-215.


1985 "Beer Consumption and Third World Nutrition" (with J. Greer).  Food Policy 10(1):11-13.


1984 "Continuities and Transformations in Southeast Asian Symbolism:  A Case Study from Thailand.Bijdragen 140(1):77-92.


1984 "Rice and Milk in Thai Buddhism:  Symbolism and Social Values of Basic Food Substances.Crossroads:  An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2(1):46-58.


1982 "Celebrating Ethnicity:  Ethnic Flavor in an Urban Festival."  Ethnic Groups 4(4):207-227.


1982 "Interpreting a Cosmology:  Guardian Spirits in Thai Buddhism.Anthropos 77:1-15.


1981 "Breastfeeding and Women's Work:  Constraints and Opportunities" (with T. Greiner).  Studies in Family Planning 12(4):182-195.


1981 "The Insufficient Milk Syndrome:  An Alternate Explanation" (with T. Greiner and M.C. Latham).  Medical Anthropology 5(2):233-248.


1981 "In-home Sponsorship for Southeast Asian Refugees."  Journal of Refugee Resettlement 21(2):18-26.


1980 "Sweetened Condensed Soma:  Dietary Innovation in Southeast Asia." Filipinas:  A Journal of Philippine Studies 1(10):96-104.  Abstracted in Nutritional Planning, May 1980.)


1980 "An Interpretation of Ban Chiang Rollers:  Experiment and Speculation" (with N. Kress).  Asian Perspectives 21(1):52-58.


1980 "Royal Style in Village Context:  Translation and Interpretation of a Thai Tonsure Text" (with J. Van Esterik).  Journal of Asian Folklore Studies   39(1):63-78.


1979 "Symmetry and Symbolism in Ban Chiang Painted Pottery."  Journal of Anthropological Research 35(4):495-508.


1974 "A Preliminary Analysis of Ban Chiang Pottery, Northeast Thailand."  Asian Perspectives 16(2):174-194.


1973 "Thai Tonsure Ceremonies:  A Reinterpretation of Brahmanic Ritual in Thailand."  Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society 4(2):79-121.


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